Tyler and his new Crocodile walker

Our thoughts are with all our family members who have passed.
They will never be forgotten...
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Jane Kraemer
October 14, 1988 - December 6, 2019
Daughter of Fred and Lisa Kraemer

Brooke Nicole Moise
September 03, 1983 - March 30, 2014
Daughter of Bob and Tammy Moise

Nathan Zachary Bell
May 26, 1988 - July 2, 2013
Son of Doyle and Susan Bell

Robin Cheatwood
1984 - November 29, 2008
Daughter of Lynn Robinette

Dalton Wallace
December 2, 1997 - June 12, 2008
Son of Stephanie and Randy Wallace
We walk by Faith, not by sight. God is our refuge & strength, an ever present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1
Dalton Lil marine 2005 / MDA camp 2007

Aaron David Martin
November 24, 1981 - February 22, 2008
Son of Pauline and Milton Martin
Diagnosed in 1990 with Friedrich's Ataxia, Aaron spent the next 18 years fighting beyond the boundaries of his disease. He adapted to make the best of every situation through all stages of his condition.  Aaron received a standing ovation as he graduated from Caribou High School in 2001. He focused his interest in Computer Sciences and kept his intellect sharp by playing chess and listening to books on tape, but the majority of his time, and perhaps his strongest asset, was spent spreading laughter with his contagious sense of humor. May we all learn to embrace life with our hearts as he did.

Pierre Baleydier
April 13, 1968 - January 2008
Son of Claudie Baleydier

Thomas Christopher Barnett
1985 - June 5, 2007
Son of Paige and Bill Barnett

Amanda Rieffenberger
_________ - May 15, 2007
Daughter of Kathie Rieffenberger

Elizabeth Rae "Betsy" Neyland
December 17, 1981 - January 29, 2007
Daughter to David and Ruth Neyland, sister of Emily Sarah.
Betsy was diagnosed with Friedreich’s Ataxia when she was 10 years old. A few months after she was diagnosed she told us to quit talking about “my disease” and we realized that we needed to get on with the business of living and ignore the disease.  Betsy did not want anyone to feel sorry for her. It made her mad when people tried to tell her good-bye. She knew she was going to heaven and she did. She is now free from her wheelchair and pain. We will miss her terribly but know that we will see her soon in heaven.

Joey Smith
January 2, 1985 - June 6, 2006
Son of Bill and Debbie Smith, brother of Billy, Casey, and Molly
Joey was a 2003 graduate of Randolph Southern High School, where he excelled as an honor student. He was a friend to all who faced adversity with his infectious smile that inspired those whose lives he touched. Joey had attended I.U. East. He was an avid sports fan and was fortunate enough to have attended the Super Bowl and enjoyed listening to music.

Nicole Flipp
June 11, 1986 - January 15, 2006
Daughter of Janette and Mark Flipp

Cesar Alexandre "Alex" Mijares
March 5, 1980 - January 10, 2006
"A valiant prince once lived here.  You ran the race, you stayed the course, you finished well.  You are loved and missed by all who knew and loved you.  Can hardly wait to see you again."  -- Son of Cesar and Margie Mijares

Anthony "Tony" Turner
June 29, 1979 - October 26, 2005
Son of  Peter and Susan Turner, Sister Deanna, and brother Eric.
We love him so much and he will always remain in our hearts, always in our thoughts. Tony loved sports. He was a big White Sox fan and went to many of their games. He passed away on the same day they won the World Series.

Paul Kenneth Flippo
October 7, 1977 - August 2, 2005
Son of Bruce and Bobbie Flippo and brother of Shelley
Here is a poem Paul liked: "Drinking From My Saucer". He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science in 2000 from Arkansas Tech University in Russelville, AR.

Mikayla Rae Spangler
April 12, 1979 - August 25, 2005
Daughter of Kathy Spangler
Mikayla had a great sense of humor, lots of spunk and a terrific "can do" attitude.  Every challenge was faced with a positive attitude which really touched many lives.  Patience was something always with her as she taught others.  Her spirit endures! Note picture: Kathy's rosebush has always had all pink roses, this year '06 there is one red rose, we think for Mikayla.

Jeramiah "Jeramy" Avery Clark
February 24, 1986 - April 30, 2005
Son of Terry Kuykendall

Doug Spooner
October 4, 1984 - December 13, 2004
Son of Connie and Roger Spooner
Doug's essay: "Things Change"
Doug's poems: Essence of our Boy

Benjamin Orth
July 20, 1983 - April 2, 2004
Son of Mary-Lisa Orth

Kaila Marie Murphy
September 3, 1986 - July 13, 2003
Daughter of Patrick & Ginga Murphy

Pieter Cornil
15 October 1979 - 8 July 2003 
Son of Dirk and Odette Cornil-Tombeur

Mary Keyes
1982 - January 13, 2003
Daughter of Jean and Bob Keyes

Billy Smith
July 25, 1981 - May 14, 2002
Son of Bill and Debbie Smith, brother of Joey, Casey, and Molly

Michael David Abbey
January 28, 1986 - November 3, 2001
Son of David and Cindy Abbey, brother of James
Soon after Michael's death the world experienced a meteor shower. 
We lay on our backs and marveled as fireballs streaked across the cold night sky. 
They burned brightly and were no more. 
Brief lives.
As we come to terms with Michael's death, we need to cherish the memories of his bright, brief life and hold them close to our hearts. 
Memories endure.

William Grant May
November 8, 1969 - July 12, 2001
Son of Bob and Kay May

Shayna Morris
1976 - June 29, 2001
Daughter of James and Elizabeth Morris

Alicia Orza
September 9, 1976 - June 15, 2001
Daugher of Barb Orza

Dena Leach
October 16, 1979 - March 8, 2001
Daughter of John and Rhonda Leach

Robyn Nunnery
January 12, 1974 - December 16, 1999
Daughter of Linda and Frank Nunnery
Although dealing with the daily physical and emotional challenges of this devastating and progressive disease, Friedreich's Ataxia, Robyn lived her life to the fullest possible.  She loved people and loved to laugh.  She had come a long way overcoming many obstacles, had just received her Associates Degree and all ready to work on her Bachelor's.  After we lost her, I found a website she had recently saved in her "Favorites" on her computer.  It was as though she left a comforting message for us.  We will always miss her!

Kevin Crowley
July 28, 1974 - August 11, 1999
Son of Jan and Mike Crowley

Jeremy Pierce
August 3, 1979 - April 3, 1997
Son of Rita Reynolds

Kevin Maher
February 3, 1976 - November 30, 1996
Son of Connie Maher
Kevin loved life.  He was an avid St. Louis Cardinals fan.  Kevin also loved country music and bingo.  Every Friday, he played bingo with his grandmother.   Kevin had a very dry sense of humor and he thrived on a good argument.  He would never admit he was wrong, even when he knew it, just so he could argue some more.   Every morning when I left for work I would say, "I love you, Kevin".   His response never varied  - it was always "I love me too!" followed by a big laugh.   Kevin never wanted to give up and he fought for his independence.  He was an excellent student, carrying a B+ average in college correspondence classes.  Kevin was an inspiration to so many people and he touched many lives in the short time he was with us. 

Chris Buechel
October 29, 1970 - June 6, 1992
Son of Linda and Bob Buechel

April Barr
September 18, 1973 - 1994
Daughter of Terrie and John Barr

Jim Adams
April 13, 1971 - October 19, 1991
Son of Trudy Adams

Robert G May III
December 6, 1961 - February 27, 1986
Son of Bob and Kay May

Mark Adams, Jr.
January 28, 1963 - November 9th, 1978
Son of Trudy Adams

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