Dakota Meikle (15) FA Australia  Izzy age 10.

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March 27 Diagnosis Upends Young Family (posted by Andy Johnson)



December 5 Drug discovered for Hungtington dieseas which is similar to FA (posted by Hari Rao)



October 3 Disabled Sports! (posted by Sakina Rehmanji)
May 12 Joseph and Therese are Graduating! (posted by Dianne and Brent Boon)
May 9 Sam Bridgeman Throws First Ball at Mariner's Game (posted by Tom Bridgman)
March 25 Emily Penn in RA Dallas! (posted by Paul Konanz)
February 21 ParaOlympic Tough Love Moms (posted by Valerie Bennett)



October 5 Diversity of Wheelchair Users, by Robbie Van Schoick (posted by Paul Konanz)
September 11 Sam Bridgman RA Portland Interview (posted by Paul Konanz)
July 14 Facing FA: My Courageous Cousin's Journey (posted by Dee Ann Potter)
May 26 Kyle Interview about Barefoot and RA NorCal (posted by Paul Konanz)
May 5 Sam Bridgman Graduates! (posted by Tom Bridgman)
April 27 Selena competed in a speech fest, and made it it to the finals. She placed 3rd in the district !!! Her speech was on Friedreich's Ataxia. (posted by Cari and Brad Yorke)
April 24 Sam Bridgman Senior Year Coming Soon to a Close (posted by Tom Bridgman)
March 25 The Penstons on TV (posted by Zoe Penston)
February 24 Joey Dunks to Start the Game (posted by Paul Konanz)
January 3 Bridget's Story (posted by Marilyn and Terry Downing)



December 4 Andrew Cabatingan at Berkeley (posted by Paul Konanz)
November 29 Sara Ferrarone News Broadcast (posted by Paul Konanz)
October 26 Ashley Hartigan Motivates Firefighters! (posted by Vicki Hartigan)
September 27 Another Ataxia UK Awareness Video (posted by Paul Konanz)
September 26 Ataxia UK Educational piece (posted by Paul Konanz)
September 23 2nd Annual EFACTS Newsletter (posted by Paul Konanz)
September 11 Helen Kearney Returning Home a Hero (posted by Mary Kearney)
September 5 Gavin's Trike Story (posted by Dawn Lambert)
September 3 Helen Kearney wins Silver and Bronze in the 2012 Paralympic Games! (posted by Mary Kearney)
July 30 Alex's New Van Winning Video (posted by Paul Konanz)
July 30 Video wins North Branford woman new set of wheels (video) (posted by Paul Konanz)
April 27 1st Annual Thomas Barnett Breaking Down Barriers Scholarship (posted by Bill and Paige Barnett)
January 25 photos and stories of our family (posted by Daniel Devine)



September 25 Jared Goss' Make-a-Wish (posted by Andy Johnson)
September 21 FARAmones Race for a Cure (posted by Andy Johnson)
May 22 Sam Brown In The News (posted by Andy Johnson)
April 1 Debate article about the lack of knowledge of FA in the Swedish health care system and our loss of Gustav (only in Swedish) (posted by Thomas Stenholm)
March 18 PhRMA Honors Ron and Raychel Bartek (posted by Andy Johnson)
March 16 Evan Luebbe Fundraiser at Liberty Junior School (posted by Andy Johnson)
March 13 Column by Hugh Andrus, Uncle of Keith (posted by Andy Johnson)
March 12 Joey Alise Murello Named Ms. Wheelchair Indiana (posted by Andy Johnson)
February 20 Zac Zies Outback Steakhouse Fundraising Luncheon (posted by Susie and Gary Zies)
February 14 Lee Browning Plays Rugby (posted by Andy Johnson)
January 8 Laura Beth Jacquin's MDA Walk of Hope (posted by John (and Patricia) Jacquin)



March 14 Kent Family - Race 4 Results (posted by Andy Johnson)
February 9 Rhys Devereaux (posted by Andy Johnson)



January 22 Allie Kitttel and Aaron raise $10,000. for FA Research with Have a Heart Give a Buck (posted by Sue Kittel)



July 21 Lindsay Ashman (posted by Dale and Leigh Ashman)
February 1 Aaron Kittel's Amazing Home Remodel for Accessiblity (posted by Sue Kittel)


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